
Giri Wijayanto, Usaba Dangsil Karangasem, CC BY-SA 4.0
Giri Wijayanto, Usaba Dangsil Karangasem, CC BY-SA 4.0

Is there paradise on earth?

Bali – an amazing place that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding. It will appeal to rebellious divers and surfers as well as older people who want to relax in peace. Honeymooners, couples with small children, cheerful young people – they can all choose Bali and enjoy the wild beauty of Indonesia.

The locals do their best to make the guests feel comfortable and well. Once you have been to this wonderful island, you will want to come back here again and again.

Karangasem – in search of inner harmony

With its breathtaking views, Karangasem is able to seduce even the most demanding travelers. Rice terraces with panoramic ocean views, temples, Raj Plyazhi palaces, the “Bounty” – a snorkeling spot, fantastic food – all this can be seen and found in this beautiful city.

Karangasem is ideal for those who have not yet decided where to go in Bali. The resort combines beach, sports and relaxation. The city also warmly welcomes couples in love, as there are many quiet places so appreciated by lovers who long for solitude.

And for those who enjoy themselves, the locals are happy to organize numerous excursions that will take you to places you have only seen in your dreams.

Tirta Gangga – a combination of unearthly beauty and a touch of mysticism

water palace tirta gangga
David Stanley from Nanaimo, Canada, Water Palace (6336845613), CC BY 2.0

The royal water garden Tirta Gangga is a popular retreat in the regency Karangasem. It was built in 1946 during the reign of the late Raja of Karangasem, Anak Agung Anglurah Ketut Karangasem (1887 – 1966). The Tirtha Ganga has been restored several times since the destructive hot ash rains of Mount Agung’s eruption in 1963.

The magnificent water gardens, owned by the royal family in Karangasem, include 1.2 acres of pools, ponds and fountains surrounded by neatly mowed lawns adorned with steps, ornate statues and tropical gardens. Tirta Gangga is located in Ababi village, about 75 km east of Denpasar. The resort is a cool retreat in the eastern mountains, located on the southeast slope of the island’s highest mountain, Mount Agung.

The Tirta Gangga complex was built around the same time as Taman Soekasada Ujung, another complex near the coast and 8.5 km south in the village of Tumbu. Tirta Gangga, like its royal sister complex, consists of tropical gardens,

For those who love adventure

All young people are curious and for this very reason will be immensely impressed by Karangasem. Here they learn about the life of the locals and explore the surroundings of the city. For divers it is interesting to explore the underwater coral reefs. One such excursion is a snorkeling tour in the Blue Lagoon of East Bali. This excursion is popular among those who want to enjoy Bali’s underwater paradise.

The location is in East Bali, near Padang Bay harbor, about 1 hour drive from Kuta. Enjoy the beautiful underwater world with thousands of fish, beautiful corals and other creatures in the Blue Lagoon and Tanjung Jepun Bay. Here you can see aquatic species found nowhere else in the world, including angelfish, butterflyfish, parrotfish, lionfish and many more.

And when you are back on the beach, the locals will serve you lunch at a restaurant with a magnificent view of the east coast of Bali and the island of Nusa Penida. The number of participants for this excursion is limited to 15 people.

Mysticism and reality in one

Karangasem Regenc Bali
F-GSPY, Bunutan, Abang, Karangasem Regency, Bali, Indonesia – panoramio (7), CC BY 3.0

Not far from Karangasem Resort is Mount Agung. According to a Balinese myth, the gods erect mountains as thrones and place the highest mountain, Mount Agung, on Bali. Agung means “big mountain” and the Balinese respectfully call it “Mother Mountain” and revere it as a sacred place.

Many legends and stories surround the mountain, which is, among other things, an active volcano. Local guides are sure to tell a story from the distant past, when the earth was young and their home island was absolutely flat: “Here the animals grazed freely, strange plants bloomed everywhere, the birds sang magical songs. People had nothing to fear, because nature gave them everything they needed to live in abundance.

The gods liked paradise very much. They decided to settle in Bali and established Mount Agung as their earthly abode because it was not right for the gods to be on the same plane as humans. At the very top, behind the clouds, the gods built a temple of wisdom. From above, they watched over people’s actions and judged them harshly but justly. The gods did not forget the people, they saw that they strived for good deeds and worked tirelessly.

The magic bird Garuda brought such righteous people to the top of Agung, where they were allowed to live next to the gods.” Since then, the Balinese have revered the gods of Agung, honoring their power, remembering them, and mentioning them constantly, literally day and night. All local houses and temples face Agung, and beds in bedrooms are placed so that the headboard faces the mountain.

Ideal for adventurers

Overall, the town of Karangasem is ideal for photo and video enthusiasts, as well as explorers interested in the culture and life of the people of Bali. With a map of the place you can not get lost and miss the interesting sights.

Treat yourself to a wonderful vacation on the other side of the world, where you can enjoy the pristine purity of the forests and the crystal clear waters of the ocean, have fun in the vibrant city or enjoy the peace and solitude. In any case, this vacation will help you relax, improve your health and recharge special energy.

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