– Your Gateway to Bali



Bali travel guide / books

Unique landscapes, different cultural influences and gorgeous beaches – all this is Bali. The Indonesian island has enjoyed unbroken popularity among tourists worldwide for several years. To ensure that the next vacation is a complete […]

Hochzeitsantrag auf Bali

Wedding proposals in Bali

Bali is not only known for the classic vacation and its cultural distinctiveness. Bali is often also the symbol of romance. It is not for nothing that there are many honeymooners in Bali. We show […]

Bali Massage

Balinese massage

This type of massage, originating from Bali, combines various Far Eastern healing arts. Traditional full body massage involves mainly stroking and kneading with the palms, fingers and even the forearms. Depending on the patient, joints […]

Bali Opfergaben

Offerings in Bali

Have you ever walked down a street in Bali and seen an attractive little square woven basket made of banana leaves and filled with flowers? Or, while visiting a temple, did you see how Balinese […]

Bali Cities - Villages


The tourist resort of Kintamani is one of the most popular tourist attractions on the island of Bali. Every day Kintamani is busy with more and more tourist visits, both Indonesian and foreign tourists. Are […]

Uluwatu Tempel
Bali temples

Pura Uluwatu Temple (Pura Luhur)

Uluwatu Temple is a sea temple located on the southwestern coast of Bali. Pronounced in Balinese, the temple is called Pura Luhur Uluwatu. Due to its Hindu religious background, it is one of the most […]

Sights in Bali

Jimbaran fish market

Discover culinary delights at Jimbaran Fish Market Squid, lobster, shrimp and numerous fresh catch fish – discover the diversity of Bali at one of the most famous fish markets on the island. From a preparation […]

Sights in Bali

Jimbaran fish market

Discover culinary delights at Jimbaran Fish Market Squid, lobster, shrimp and numerous fresh catch fish – discover the diversity of Bali at one of the most famous fish markets on the island. From a preparation […]

Sights in Bali

Jimbaran fish market

Discover culinary delights at Jimbaran Fish Market Squid, lobster, shrimp and numerous fresh catch fish – discover the diversity of Bali at one of the most famous fish markets on the island. From a preparation […]

Gitgit Wasserfälle
Sights in Bali

Gitgit Waterfalls (Air Terjun Gitgit)

The Gitgit Waterfalls are a popular destination on the Indonesian island of Bali and are among the most beautiful waterfalls in the country. Among locals, this sight is known as Air Terjun GitGit. Where are […]

Sonnenuntergang in Jimbaran
Bali Cities - Villages

Jimbaran & Jimbaran Beach

Millions of people are attracted year after year to paradisiacal resorts, where the prevailing climatic conditions make it possible to spend fantastic summer vacations. Picturesque beaches and interesting sights are very popular with many summer […]

heiße quellen bali
Sights in Bali

Hot spring of Banjar – Air Panas Banjar

In Bali there is a unique natural wonder and at the same time a wellness oasis, which is located in the middle of a tropical greenery and a temple complex. The springs of Air Panas […]

Bali Cities - Villages

Tenganan Village (Tenganan Pegeringsingan)

The village of Tenganan – its full name is Tenganan Pegringsingan – on Bali is one of the few villages at all where the culture that was common in this region before the arrival of […]

Bali temples

Pura Tirta Empul Temple

The Pura Tirta Empul is an impressive temple complex consisting of three individual temples and three bathing temples. In Bali, it is one of the 9 state temples and thus symbolizes a significant spring sanctuary. […]

Bali Barat Nationalpark
Bali Cities - Villages

West Bali National Park

(Taman Nasional Bali Barat) Location of West Bali National Park For a parking permit, please contact the park administration: Balai Taman Nasional Bali BaratRaya Cekik-GilimanukKabupaten Jembrana,Bali 82253Indonesia Phone: 0062 365 61060 The West Bali National […]

Parks and National Parks in Bali

Bali Butterfly Park – Taman Kupu-Kupu Bali

For quite some time now, not only relatively close destinations such as the Baltic Sea or the Alps have been particularly popular for a vacation in this country, but also places that are literally located […]

Sights in Bali

USS Liberty Wreck – USAT Liberty

The USS Liberty Wreck or USAT Liberty Wreck is one of the absolute highlights for divers in the waters around the Indonesian island of Bali. Thanks to the lively underwater life, the intact corals and […]

Sights in Bali

Gianyar Night Market – Pasar Malam Gianyar

Colorful, varied, culinary – visit the unique night market of Gianyar. We present you everything about this impressive sight. Night market location Due to the good signposting, the night market of Gianyar is easy to […]